
Santa Christmas fake decorations

1. Stock up on treats for your family and don’t forget to share them with Santa! 2. Set up a festive Christmas tree in the backyard with some fake decorations that make it look like santa is there. 3. Have presents laid out for the kids to open in their own personal baskets. 4. Play winter games or go for a hike with friends for an unforgettable holiday experience. 5. Set up an advent calendar for each kid so that they can keep track of their progress during the holiday season. 6. Make snowman faces with colorful paint and stickers. 7. Ask everyone to join in an act of kindness, such as decorating a house with small toys or wearing a blanket. 8. Take pictures of the children and Santa together in front of

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one present you should definitely do to make sure you have one

Is Christmas 24th or 25th?