any new “stable diffusion models” method) def _default_new_diffusion_model(*args, **kwargs): # This is an default for the ‘n’ option of DiffusionModel c = self._get_c() ## TODO: figure out what you like to do when it’s called… dft.model.DiffusionModel(diffusion_model=self)._set_parameters(*args) return copy(dft.model) # def __repr__(self) -> str: # Return “DiffusionModel object at {:.6E}”.format(timeit.timeit(“class DiffusionModel.__repr__”, number=3)) @property def name(self) -> str or None: “”” The type of this model this instance belonging to in a project. (e.g., “FPGA”) “”” if not isinstance(self._c, CythonCExtension): raise TypeError(“‘self._c’ must be set to a `object`. Found ‘{}’ instead.”.format( repr(type(self))) ) return # def check_parameters(self, parameter_values): # if not all
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